Replaceable Dermaplaning Blades - Our unique design cuts down on waste and makes it easy to use a fresh dermablade each month with a three-month supply. Regularly using this dermaplaning tool can improve the appearance of fine lines and visible pores.
Improve Beauty and Personal Care - Gently removes the build-up of dead cells on your face to reveal the fresh skin that allows for easy absorption of serums and helps peels penetrate more effectively for a softer and brighter appearance.
Easy to Use Face Dermaplaning Tool - When you need a new dermablade for your dermaplaning tool, the refill trio makes switching a breeze. The safe blade control allows the blade to glide on your skin, removing fine hairs and exfoliating skin for a fresh, radiant look.
Safe Dermablade Features - Designed with safety features that offer maximum blade surface contact while safeguarding skin from injury, giving you a professional dermaplaning treatment right in your home.
Gentle Skincare Instruments - Our gentle skincare instruments help alleviate and avert pore blockage, enhance the look of dry skin, and boost the effectiveness of blackhead removal treatments. Experience revitalized, softer, and more radiant skin!